Friday, June 23, 2006

More about exception handling and new coolness from Joshua Flanagan

Regular readers of my blog (all 14 of you), will know that I'm a stickler for handling exceptions correctly in applications. I strongly believe that you should only catch exceptions you can handle, never catch something you can't correct for, unless you have signficant contextual information you can add, then use the InnerException property, yada, yada...zzzzzzz...


Sorry about that, you were dozing off.

Anyway, as I was typing... always log exceptions in detail using a top level handler, and only stay running if it makes sense; like in ASP.Net applications.

Most of that is easy, but what about when you have a background thread in an ASP.Net application? In CLR 1.1, an unhandled exception in a background thread just killed the thread, which is bad because you don't know that it is safe for other threads to continue, and a deadlock or static-data corruption is a very real possibility. Of course, you always wrapped your outer-most function for that background thread in a try {} catch (Exception ex) { /* log it */ throw; } block, so you at least logged it. In CLR 2.0, your (proper and correct) re-throw of the Exception will result in the Application being terminated. Bummer, but we'll come back to that.

Joshua Flanagan has put together a nice WaitCallback derived class that does all the by-rote work of wrapping a thread-top-level try {} catch (Exception ex) { /* log it */ throw; } block. If that was all it did, I wouldn't be wasting your time, nice as it is to StayDRY™.

Remember what I said about CLR 2.0 dumping your Application if the background thread had an unhandled exception? Remember the pattern of rethrowing at the top-level-catch? What if we could somehow marshal that thread's exception details over to the foreground thread(s) of the ASP.Net Application where it could be handled by the handy-dandy infrastructure setup in Global.asax's HttpApplication.Error or Application_Error.

That's where Joshua's cleverness shows. He has done just that, building a nice generic framework for turning the thread-top-level exception into an inline request to an HttpHandler, passing the serialized Exception details along. Once in the handler, it's simply deserialized and thrown anew, whereupon it is caught and logged as a foreground-thread exception.

Head over to Safely running background threads in ASP.NET 2.0 and get the goods!

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