Friday, August 18, 2006

How to do late Dynamic method creation

In this post comment, I was asked about how to do creation of method delegates whose types can vary somewhat when using the Dynamic class. It's really a matter of using the unspecified form of a generic class and the Type.MakeGenericType method to synthesize up the desired fully specified type.  This code is going to look ugly, simply because playing with generics this way is more akin to writing a compiler than writing normal code.  Much of this code is boiler-plate and could easily be extracted into a set of helper methods... given some time, I'll do so in my current Dynamic class. Until then, here's an example of what things can look like:

// needed by both versions
BindingFlags creatorFlags = BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static;
Type staticProc = typeof(Dynamic<>.Static.Procedure.Explicit<,,>);
// this version "knows" the final argument type of the method, and could have been done explicitly
// I show this to make obvious the way you use MakeGenericType.
Type doubleProc = staticProc.MakeGenericType(typeof(PutMethods), typeof(IIdentifiable), typeof(string), typeof(double));
MethodInfo doubleProcCreateDelegate = doubleProc.GetMethod("CreateDelegate", creatorFlags, null, new Type[] { typeof(string) }, null); 
StaticProc<PutMethods, IIdentifiable, string, double> proc =
   doubleProcCreateDelegate.Invoke(null, new object[] { "Add" }) as StaticProc<PutMethods, IIdentifiable, string, double>
proc(null, "Age", 1.0);
// this is more like a normal use, where the final argument type is not known at delegate generation time...
Type lazyProc = staticProc.MakeGenericType(typeof(PutMethods), typeof(IIdentifiable), typeof(string), typeof(object));
MethodInfo lazyProcCreateDelegate = lazyProc.GetMethod("CreateDelegate", creatorFlags, null, new Type[] { typeof(string) }, null);
StaticProc<PutMethods, IIdentifiable, string, object> lazy =
   lazyProcCreateDelegate.Invoke(null, new object[] { "Add" }) as StaticProc<PutMethods, IIdentifiable, string, object>
lazy(null, "Balance", -10.0);

public interface IIdentifiable
   void SetProperty(string propertyName, object value);
public class PutMethods
   public static void Add(IIdentifiable dr, string propertyName, double value)
      if (dr != null)
         dr.SetProperty(propertyName, value);

Note that you can easily build up the Type[] passed to Type.MakeGenericType based on things like an attribute class or configuration/XML markup.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:D Yes! Thanks! It's the missing piece to my puzzle! I owe you one!